Anak-anak ibarat bunga pemberian illahi pada dunia. Bermula dari benih yang kecil, dengan penjagaan yang sempurna, baja yang mencukupi ia mungkin boleh membesar menjadi bunga yang paling cantik di dunia. Tapi bagaimana jika bunga yang diberi dipijak atau dibuang begitu sahaja,belum sempat memberi harum mekar pada dunia ia telah terkulai layu dan lupus dari alam ciptaan darinya.. begitulah juga dengan apa yang terjadi pada hari ini, bayi-bayi yang baru dilahirkan dibuang,dicampak atau ditinggalkan dengan kejam begitu sahaja oleh mereka-mereka yang tidak bertanggunjawab. Pelbagai alasan diberikan tentang kejadian ini, walau apa sekalipun perkara ini tidak harus terjadi dan hukuman lebih berat harus diberikan.
Hukuman bagi kesalahan membuang bayi adalah hanya penjara selama 20 tahun. Adakah ini setimpal dengan perbuatan jijik dan keji mereka yang tidak berakal itu? Bodohnya manusia, pandai membuat anak tetapi tidak pandai menjaganya malah dibuang pula. Apakah darjat seorang bayi? Sedangkan haiwan lagi menyayangi dan mengasihi anaknya, inikan pula seorang manusia yang dikurniakan akal fikiran.
Riwayat Abu Hurairah “Bahawasanya Rasulallah s.a.w mencium Husin Bin Ali r.a (cucu baginda), maka berkatalah Al-Aqra’ bin Habbas: ‘Sesungguhnya bagiku ada sepuluh orang anak tetapi aku tidak pernah mencium satu pun dari mereka.’ Maka bersabdalah baginda: ‘Barangsiapa tidak merahmati, dia tidak dirahmati.'
Cuba anda hayati riwayat di atas, sedangkan perbuatan Al-Aqra bin Habbas itu sudah dikatakan oleh Rasulullah s.a.m tidak dirahmati oleh Allah, inikan pula perbuatan manusia yang mempunyai anak tetapi tidak dihargainya. Jelas disini, perbuatan mereka yang tidak bermoral ini dimurkai oleh yang Esa. Betapa beratnya kekejaman ini tetapi hukumannya masih lagi tidak mampu menggantikan nyawa seorang bayi yang baru ingin mengenali dunia. Pembunuh!!! Itu adalah ungkapan yang paling sesuai bagi seseorang yang tidak berperikemanusiaan dan menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa bayi tersebut. Apabila seorang bayi dibuang, risiko untuk bayi itu hidup lama adalah tipis. Bayi tersebut mungkin akan digigit oleh anjing liar, dipatuk oleh ular, dilonggokkan bersama-sama sampah ditapak pelupusan sampah atau mungkin yang lebih teruk dari itu. Apakah perasaan anda jika diri anda diperlakukan sebegitu? Ya, mungkin bayi itu tidak mempunyai perasaan tetapi bagaimana pula bagi seorang bayi yang dijumpai selamat?Bagi yang bernasib baik mereka mungkin dibesarkan di dalam keluarga yang sempurna, tetapi bagaimana pula yang tidak? Kehidupan mereka akan menjadi akan menjadi murung tanpa sedikit kasih saying dari ibu bapa sejak mereka dilahirkan dan mereka tidak tahu langsung tentang asal usul mereka. Impaknya bayi itu mungkin akan mengalami tekanan emosi apabila dewasa atau mungkin lebih teruk lagi bayi itu akan menjadi sampah masyarakat kerana merasakan dirinya tidak berguna dan tidak setaraf dengan masyarakat sekelililing. Ketika meningkat remaja, apa rasanya jika pada suatu hari, remaja tersebut mendapat tahu bahawa dia adalah anak pungut dari tong sampah, di tepi longkang, di dalam tandas, dan sebagainya? Dia mungkin akan kecewa, patah hati, dan menyisihkan diri dari masyarakat. Mungkin malu dengan status diri sendiri. Pada hakikatnya ini adalah salah ibu bapa mereka yang berperangai seperti binatang tetapi hidup aman dngan mngabaikan tanggungjawab mereka.
Di sini, kami ingin menegaskan bahawa kami tidak bersetuju dengan hukuman berat selama 20 tahun bagi kesalahan membuang bayi. Pada pendapat kami, hukuman yang setimpal adalah penjara seumur hidup serta gantung sampai mati (mandatori). Hukuman seperti ini adalah lebih layak bagi mereka yang tidak berperikemanusiaan ini. Remaja zaman sekarang terutamanya, cuba buka minda anda, berfikiran waras, serta membuat tindakan yang sewajarnya, kami yakin kes pembuangan bayi yang semakin meningkat ini dapat dikurangkan. Apa yang penting, dekatkan diri dengan yang Maha Esa dan teguhkan iman anda.
“The only difference between a rich person and poor person is how they use their time”. This is the quotation that had been quoted by Robert Kiyosaki which is the famous author of the book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’. This Hawaiian people could be the role model to all of the people around the world by delivering his thoughts and ideas through all the 15 books he had wrote. Proud of his family name Kiyosaki, Robert Toru Kiyosaki has act as a motivational speaker and self help author just to help people who technically has financial problem.
This 63 old man had made all of his books being on the top of the list all around the world. His very famous books are ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’, ‘Cashflow Quadrant’ and ‘Rich Dad Guide to Investing’. Those books are largely sold in the bookstores and have got its place in people’s heart. The husband of Kim Kiyosaki was born on April 8, 1947 and known as Japanese American due to the marriage of his parent. The successfull of Robert Kiyosaki can clearly been seen after he graduated from his school. He joined Marine Corps and being the officer and helicopter gun pilot. During 1977, he had planned to runs a company which at last had led him to become an educator.
Besides having 15 books, he had also introduced a board game which called The Cashflow 101. This game had helped lots of people on how to manage financial matters during this modern era. It can be found online just for the people who wanted to manage their personal financial matter. However, the appearance of this Robert Kiyosaki name in the era happened when the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ had sold widely all around the world.
He is the man with all the hardwork and effort to be the legend of the century. Thus, he had proved to the world that a human being could be whatever that we wanted as long as we have our own guts to change our life. So, as the conclusion Robert Kiyosaki is the man of the earth and theking of finance towards all of the people in this age.
YWWP(Your Wedding We Plan) had been established on 31st March 2006 when the owner had came out with the ideas to be the heart of all the brides. The main aim of this company is to fulfill the dream of the brides. YWWP offers such a very good service to provide satisfaction for the couple who will get married.
YWWP is located in the center of its own audiences. The main location is Greentown Business Center Ipoh Perak. However, there are several more other branches which located in Kuantan Pahang and Jalan Zoo Air Itam Pulau Pinang. Technically, all the branches are open from 10 a.m until 10 p.m everyday.
Services Offer
• Full package for garden style wedding (include the meal and photographers) • Wedding dress rental • Meal catering • Photography session
The price will be depending on the package that had been chosen by the love bird. However, YWWP offers good prices with special services that the customers will satisfy on.
Specialties YWWP is a well known wedding planner company that had gains its place in the customers’ hearts at all the branches. Customers could smell the satisfaction at the first moment they step into the company’s lobby. Enduring with this, YWWP had chosen a very famous designer for the wedding dresses as well as for the landscaping of the ceremony. Thus, YWWP also presenting its customers with the best and number one chef in Malaysia. Customers are always right, so just to serve them well YWWP will give the best of services for the valued customers and it also welcoming new consumers to enjoy and experience a satisfy but also could be consider as a grand wedding.
Contact YWWP: Any enquiries feel free to ring the ring Miss Zalikha Nadhirah at:Phone No. : 0123452913OrEmail us:
First and foremost, I would like to thank to Miss Mimi for at least putting me in the blogging mode again. I was an active blogger before but I stopped blogging when I finished my Diploma because of I am too busy working plus the internet connection at my home is very bad. For the first post, I will tell all of you about myself as required for LIB 401. I was born on 13th September 1988 at Hospital Besar Ipoh Perak. So I am turning 22 years old this year. My parent had named me as Zalikha Nadhirah Binti Mohd Nor Azmi. According to my mother, the name is a combination of the ideas from my parent. My father preferred to name me as Zalikha and my mother would be happy if she can call me Nadhirah . So, as to be fair they had decided to combine both name and at last it became such a very long name (Zalikha + Nadhirah = Zalikha Nadhirah). However, I love if my friends can call me Ika or maybe 'ikan' (this is the name where my colluges in my previous college call me). But, you also can call me Dhirah because I also known as Dhirah among my family members and my close friends. I was born in Ipoh, Perak and I am an originally Perak citizen. I live in a place call Parit. It is located in the center of Perak (well, perak people usually call the place as 'paris'). It is a village where consists of a small town and situated nearby to Sungai Perak. Here in Parit, people use a very pure dialect of Perak origins. The way they speak are totally different from other places in the state. I had been raised by my mother and my grandparents as my father passed away last 21 years. Which by means, I have not met my father since I am only 18 days old. He had involved in an accident which had taken his life away from my family. Honestly, i do not know how he looks. My mother showed me his picture but I still could not remember his face. I got my early education in Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjong Belanja Parit where I have been there for 6 years (standard 1 - standard 6). Next, I got my secondary education in three schools. My first school is Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Iskandar Shah. I had been there for only a month after I got an offer from another school that suggested me with better education. This is when I moved to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Muhammad Shah (form 1 - form 3). After PMR, I than moved to Sekolah Menengah Teknik Gerik. It is located somewhere in Hulu Perak. I took civil engineering studies but at last I realized that civil did not suit me well. So as to further my studies, I had made my decision to enter Kolej Profesional Mara and pursuing English Communication studies. At last I completed my Diploma in English for Communication in Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota Kuantan Pahang last year. Moving on about the blog, first of all, I chose ‘Critically Undecided’ title because of the lack of ideas on to name the blog. I was planned to change the title soon but as Miss Mimi and some of my classmates said that title is quite good so I will stick with ‘Critically Undecided’. However, this name was come from my roommate Nur Thuraya, she was the one who struggling with me to think of a rational title for the blog. So, I would like to thank her a lot for at least contributed some ideas for this blog. I will make my blog will be coming more attractive for all of us since this is an educational blog. I think that I have to put some more colors in the blog. I hope fellow friends will drop your comments on the post. Perhaps, we can share some ideas and exchanging knowledge with each other. Last but not least, this blog for sure can help me to sharpen my awareness towards education. I will try to give the best for this subject.